How to Improve Memory With Good Habits By, Judy Mauer, BSW If you are or ever have been worried about what seems to be a lapsing memory, there are lots of ways to improve it. Here is a quick video
Grow Your Exercise Habits
Has the habit of regular exercise alluded you? Do you want good exercise habits, but have been discouraged by numerous previous attempts? It could be because you try to make too big a plan with goals that have little immediate
What is weighing you down?
Our Belongings and Our Memories
Are you hesitant to get rid of things because they hold memories for you? Conscious awareness Our stuff triggers our memories and unconsciously, without realizing it, we hold on to many of our belongings because they represent a memory that
Ispiring Free Hugs
Watching this touches my heart, this and flash mobs are just meaningful inspirations for me.
Don’t Touch My Stuff
We Love Our Stuff: While most of us don’t want our stuff all over our floors, I think to some degree we all are territorial about our stuff. When someone crosses a territorial boundary by “Touching your stuff”, send them a link to
Audio Testimonial: Organizing Benefits
The sentiments in the audio will give you some insight on the types of benefits you can expect from getting organized with a Professional Organizer. It is also inspiring. She says that getting organized reduces stress, improves relationships and brings
Ted Talk Creativity
From the Author of Eat, Pray, Love on Creativity