January is here! A time for Baby steps? Have a big vision and take baby steps to get there. Each step you take toward your organizing vision develops your inner organizer. Just like a Baby develops soon after that first
Organizing: Baby Steps

January is here! A time for Baby steps? Have a big vision and take baby steps to get there. Each step you take toward your organizing vision develops your inner organizer. Just like a Baby develops soon after that first
Eeee Gaddddds! Not the pictures. I knew when I took down the picture boxes that it would be a huge project. Before I say anything else, I want you to know that just because I am a Professional Organizer don’t
Depression is an ugly experience. I know cause I have been there. They say that depression is anger turned inward. It seems as though the circumstances of life, often coupled with the conditions of our bodies leave us vulnerable to
Organizing habits are the key to staying organized and we suggest you start creating your organizing habits now. Here is the habit that will get you on your way to lasting order. Practicing this habit will naturally motivate you
Here we are again. The new year is upon us and what will we do with it. For me it is about beauty! Home organizing with a smashing sense of style without compromising functionality. For many of my customers the
This staircase, hide-away storage solution is an AWESOME idea because of the many things it could be used for and it will limit available space for you to utilize visual clues. If this storage solution were in your home, how
Guess what! My taxes are done! I started them and finished on Monday. I have finished them so quickly this year that I actually have to wait for Turbo Tax to obtain the forms for me to print and file