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211 Social Service Resources Pinellas

Did you know that if you need any specialized services with disabilities, substance abuse, mental health counseling, food or financial resources, children's services, anything you can think of, all you have to do is dial 211. Every county in the nations has a social services directory for your are waiting for you to call so they can give you the listings for services that may be available to you. Or, you can go to their website and search on your own. This is the link For Pinellas County.

211 Social Services Directory Hillsborough

Did you know that if you need any specialized services with disabilities, substance abuse, mental health counseling, food or financial resources, children's services, anything you can think of, all you have to do is dial 211. Every county in the nations has a social services directory for your are waiting for you to call so they can give you the listings for services that may be available to you. Or, you can go to their website and search on your own. This is the link For Hillsborough County.

Creatively Organizing

Pinellas County Recycling

DMA Choice, mail preference service

What goes into your mailbox? That depends on what you are into. This service lets you pick and choose from whom you get mail. End junk mail and get only what you are wanting and will use.

Hillsborough Trash & Recycling

Hillsborough Trash & Recycling-everything you could want to know

Junk Mail Control: 41 Pounds

Reclaim your Mailbox! The average adult receives 41 pounds of junk mail each year.Our service stops 80-95% of unwanted catalogs and junk mail for you.we’ll contact dozens of companies on your behalf to STOP YOUR JUNK MAIL and PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT.

Life Reminders

This app will allow you to set reminders for yourself and others using your contact list. It will notify you by your choice via email text and notification bar. In the text option you can add multiple contacts to any life reminder and text all involved. If you pay 1.99 for the upgraded version you can pick which days of the week you would like to remember for recurrent reminders.


I have been using mint successfully since 2008. they were privately owned and were purchased by Homestead/Intuit (the company responsible for Quick Books) I totally trust the security of this site. See all your accounts in one place. See all your balances and transactions together, on the web or your phone. Mint automatically pulls all your financial information into one place, so you can finally get the entire picture.It categorizes automatically, or you can set up your own categories. It has a very nice report system that allows you to look at your data in many different ways.

Only Hangers

Hangers of every kind, including accessories

Paradise Spa

Massage, intuitive counseling

Pinellas County Recycle Guide

The comprehensive A to Z Guide now includes over 350 items! Find out how to recycle or safely dispose of just about anything in Pinellas County:

Robinson Concierge Medicine

Concierge Medicine is a model of care where the physician and patient have a direct financial relationship.The practice mission is to educate and empower patients to achieve optimal health by restoring the natural ability of the body to heal. Her practice philosophy is to identify the root cause of disease and correct it rather than just masking the symptoms of disease with medications.


This product is very awesome! Magnetized Organization! I love it. Urbio is a recyclable product that is made out of a light weight, and durable polypropylene. Coupled with uber-strong neodymium magnets, and a variety of sizes, Urbio is a diverse and dependable solution for urban gardening and small space organization.

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