Eeee Gaddddds! Not the pictures. I knew when I took down the picture boxes that it would be a huge project. Before I say anything else, I want you to know that just because I am a Professional Organizer don’t think that life doesn’t get crazy or that I never have to deal with Overwhelm.
The only difference between you and I is that I have mastered the skills it takes to walk right over top of mine. Overwhelm is what can stop us in our tracks–And even be PARALYZING!!! We have to address it.
As an organizer, what better way for me to assist you in overcoming your overwhelm than to take you on a journey with me through this potentially daunting task with my own pictures.
First of all, I don’t think it is a good idea to bring them down out of their hiding place, like I did, until you have an idea what you want to do with them. Vision is key to keeping overwhelm at bay. Know where you are headed. Unfortunately, I did get them all out to find one picture to show to someone then decided that I would work on organizing them. So, my first step is to clarify my vision for them.
As you can see from the photo my dining room table is a wreck. Admittedly, it has been that way for three weeks. Why so long, because I have to work this project into everything else that is going on. I have chosen to view the picture clutter the same as I would if I had a jig-saw puzzle out that I was working on. It is my puzzle and I am working on it. I have chosen to have peace with that.
Everytime I walk by it, while I don’t consciously think about it, it serves to remind me that my vision is something to process.
To find my vision means that I need to ask some questions about what I want, what is important to me about how I will want to access these pictures, how I want to share them, etc. Vision is not the same as planning. When you envision you are feeling out what it is that you want in the end.
There is a difference between planning and visioning. We are often tempted to plan out how to get there at the same time we identify our vision. Remember, planning can create overwhelm, while vision can inspire movement.
I have envisioned enough to get started sorting. I know that I want to share them with my son and daughter. I know that I would also like to have a digital picture frame and I also know that I don’t want to get rid of the printed copies. If I were to create a list of all the steps it will take to get to these “ends” I am certain that I would decide it was too much and not go any further.
Taking your projects one step at a time and setting small goals is always going to get you to the end. You know the story about the tortoise and the hare?
So, I am choosing not to make a plan beyond one step. Sort them chronologically. What is the best way to do that? In picture boxes. After I get them sorted I will explore what the next step is. Off to my sorting. . .
I will be back to show you how my sorting went and what methods I used.