New Years Resolutions: The Year is Young!
Some make them, some don’t. Some Succeed, some don’t.
Whether or not you make them matters little, everyone at anytime will benefit from taking a look at what they want from life and asking what can I do to bring ‘me’ closer to it. The answer will most often have to do with creating some kind of change or habit. I am using FaceBook as a tool to help you and me with these changes and habits.
There are a few areas for almost everyone’s life (if not absolutely everyone’s, including me) where no matter what they try they cannot seem to initiate a desired change or habit. If they initiate it just doesn’t stick.
So, I started a secret FaceBook group called Habit Savvy to help myself and everyone through the roughness of initiating lasting changes or habits.
FaceBook, Habit Savvy
Here is a quote from my post there on what the FaceBook group is about:
“Happy New Year!! Welcome, It is so very true that we all are more successful in creating new habits, fulfilling our New Years resolutions, if we have others supporting us. Together we are going to support each other and hold each other accountable in our goals.
Not being held accountable is not the reason most goals go unrealized. It is because the business of life gets in the way and we allow it, often without realizing it.
Here you can gather team members, a partner or partners that helps you keep an eye on yourself, ensuring that you don’t forget to take the actions you have chosen to reach your goals. There is equal ground because you do the same for them.”
I just started the group and there is some really positive activity going on in there. We are sharing resources, encouraging each other. I am actually exercising and feeling really motivated with no pressure.
If you want to join write me an email or find me on FaceBook and send me a message (Judy Mauer,
Well, I have been successful in establishing a habit of regular exercise. It has taken a little over a year for it to become consistent. Remember it is not where or how long it is taking. It is about direction and successes along the way. Look for my Habit Savvy course that will be released soon.